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Rank Description IN OUT rating
Mafia-Warfare | text based
New Server on 09-01-23 Very active game!!!! Old School text based mafia game. Level and train to get to the top of the HOF. Register an account today to see if you still have it!
18 56 4.63 / 5

Description Average This Month Last Month 2 Months Ago 3 Months Ago
 Unique Pageviews 0.0000 0 0 0 0
 Total Pageviews 0.0000 0 0 0 0
 Unique Hits In 16.0000 18 17 11 18
 Total Hits In 85.0000 71 71 88 110
 Unique Hits Out 83.0000 52 48 124 108
 Total Hits Out 123.5000 56 51 212 175

 User ratings

Average Rating: 4.63
Number of Ratings: 102

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 User reviews

80404 - 2012-01-12 09:06:34
Great Game!!!

81565 - 2012-02-17 13:14:55
After snrcahieg Ask I found your site about Installing BlogEngine.NET on GoDaddy . I think both are good and I will be coming back to you and them in the future. Thanks

83847 - 2012-05-06 23:22:49
Come and check it out!

84431 - 2012-06-03 14:51:37
Great community and staff. Fun for all players!

85715 - 2012-08-01 07:31:53
Bad ass game

87074 - 2012-11-25 17:33:24
Great game, great staff.

87899 - 2013-03-23 09:46:09
Awesome game!

88059 - 2013-04-15 19:38:26
So that everyone will know how this game is actually ran, I would like to share with you all my experience with MW2, I am posting this on the original MW since I was unable to find the MW2 site listed here. Not only was the mod uninterested, he was actually very rude.

After signing up and playing for a short time, I told my husband about this game. He drives a truck over the road so I thought this might be something he would enjoy doing when parked at the truck stops.

We were not on the same IP addresses when he registered for the game, nor did we ever cheat or make any same IP transfers ever. Yet the end result was that both of our accounts were banned, because he came home for a couple of days off the road, and signed in to do his dailies.

Even though he never sent anything to me, nor did I send anything to him, as we both know that would be considered a bannable offense, so we never did it, but yet they banned both of our accounts.

Even though I had never broken any rules, and my husband signed up for his account from a different IP address, they accused us of cheating, when we never had.

The following was my email discussion with one of their moderators as his response to my mail questioning the ban. It's actually a shame that they run legitimate players off.

Here was our actual conversation:

Jesse James <>
7:28 PM (42 minutes ago)

to me
If your acct was 90 or more days inactive it was banned due to inactivity. Please refer to the TOS. You can always make a new acct and start over or file a ticket and JJ may give you the acct back.

******** <********>
7:29 PM (41 minutes ago)

to Jesse
I can assure you it was NOT 90 days inactive. It has not been more than at the MOST 2 weeks since I was online there and playing.

Jesse James
7:31 PM (40 minutes ago)

to me
What was your name on the game? You must have been banned for something else then.

******** <************>
7:32 PM (39 minutes ago)

to Jesse
My screenname there is *******

Jesse James
7:35 PM (36 minutes ago)

to me
You were banned for having 2 accts on the same ip.

************** <************>
7:40 PM (31 minutes ago)

to Jesse
I can assure you that I do not have 2 accounts on the same IP address. I only have the 1 account. It is possible that my husband may have an account, but he drives a truck over the road, and I don't believe he has ever had a chance to sign in from home as of yet. In addition, even if he had signed in from home, which as I said, I do not believe that he has, we have NEVER made any same IP transfers. Also, you could check his account, I believe his screen name is *********, and you will see that he did not sign up from our home IP address.

Jesse James
7:41 PM (29 minutes ago)

to me
Yep even you refer who said they are friends with you said it was your husband the otr drivers acct on the same ip.

************* <************>
7:53 PM (18 minutes ago)

to Jesse
So a husband and wife are not allowed to play the same game? That is the most preposterous thing i've ever heard of on a text based game. If that is the way MW wants to run their game, then so be it. There are many other online games out there to be played, it's a shame you would run players off this way. I would understand if there had been same IP transfers, that would be cause for a ban, and believe me I do full well understand that as I have been a lead staff mod on another game now for almost 4 years; however, to ban without even questioning or seeing if there is a legitimate reason, is bad for business and will eventually destroy your player base. With the text based RPG gaming demographics being as small as they are, good luck holding players, as after this, I can assure you that I will NOT recommend your game to anyone further, as well as the fact that when speaking with my online gaming friends, I will be sure to let them know how you "run" your game. Good luck to you, as I will not create a new account, nor will I attempt to sign in to my old account again, nor will my husband. Good luck to you and your game.

Jesse James
7:59 PM (12 minutes ago)

to me
Read the tos - its the responsibility of every player to read that. Only 1 acct per ip. MW is a privilege to play and those who disregard the rules don't get to play. Go play somewhere else then if you can't deal with the rules.

Jesse James
8:01 PM (10 minutes ago)

to me
I will forward your messages to jj as i am sure he will laugh at you like i am. MW is not your right and we can ban whomever we want that violate the tos. Dont recommend mw to anyone because we dont want cheats to sign up.

************* <***********>
8:06 PM (5 minutes ago)

to Jesse
I have read the ToS, and there is only 1 account per IP, if you would look at the account history, you would see that his account was created on a "different" IP, but as I said in my previous, email, neither of us will be back, and our money will obviously be better spent elsewhere, as the customer service at MW2 is severely LACKING. You may get away with treating the kids on your site this way, which is your prerogative; however, as an adult, that is accustomed to a modicum of courtesy and customer service, as I said in my previous mail, you need not concern yourself with further replies, as myself, nor my husband will frequent your site any further in the future.

89219 - 2014-01-05 19:28:37
Just seeing what was posted regarding the two accts on the same IP and I can assure you, as the game owner, that both accts did login from the same IP. The notes on the acct are correct and you were both banned. My apologies that you didn't deal with me direct as I would have listened to your concerns more carefully. Jesse

89362 - 2014-02-06 07:38:24
Very good game! Owner is a very good guy, and does his best to make you happy, and feel at home. Recommend signing up ASAP!


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